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Showing posts from June, 2018

Wash and Go Routine feat. Kinky Curly Custard +ALOE VERA!

NEVER in a million years did I think I would complete a SUCCESSFUL wash and go on MY 4C textured hair. I've only done like two (wash and gos) since I have been natural because they ALWAYS come out janky and hot frizzy mess.....Buuuuuut not this time. My sister introduced me to Kinky Curly Custard and needless to say, this product got my ENTIRE head together!! The last time I did a wash and go I used the "toxic" Eco Styler Gel  and that was a hot MESS. The gel did not mix well with the Shea Moisture moisturizer and coconut oil that I used. Also, I used waaayyy too much product and not enough water...Girl, it was just a mess. This time around, I wanted to incorporate natural (aka grown out of the Earth) products. I used my go-to and FAITHFUL Aloe Vera gel as a leave in and Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Peep how I completed my wash and go below: Start your wash and go with fresh (clean) hair. * This is the most important step; it will determine how well your was

The Universe..Is WATCHING

I love when the Universe sends me messages. It's like a secret confirmation that I am finally doing something right with my life. Since I began this blogging venture and RE-started my natural hair journey, I have received positive abundance from the universe that I am heading in the right direction. I also am so much more aware of my thoughts and actions; its crazy Now when I say "sends me messages" I am referring to Angel Numbers.  I started digging more into Angel Numbers when I began seeing different sequences of numbers at the weirdest times. The correlation between my thoughts and the times would ALWAYS show on a clock. I was seeing 11:11 , 12:12 , 12:34 , 2:22 , 5:55 ALL the time. It was beginning to freak me out so I begin looking up the meaning of each number. Here's when the scary-dopeness occurred: When I saw sequenced numbers, I was doing or thinking of how to improve my brand (Nynalovee) or how I can improve my overall life. No other time in my life h