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Showing posts from July, 2018

Just Trying to Understand

I wrote my last blog the day I found out my cousin passed away. I can't lie about this. Literally two weeks later (July 25th) My grandfather passed away in his sleep. My mind instantly went to my last blog post where I mentioned the dead birds. My mind can't help but to relate them to my loved ones that are gone. Grief stricken and undoubtedly confused, I am still trying to wrap my head around this. Why did the Universe warn me? Why do I feel like a walking omen? Why do I feel like everyone thinks I am crazy when I even mention the dead birds? What do I do next and how am I supposed to feel? These questions roll around in me and it's hard to let them out because I know there are no answers. Regardless, I lost two family members in the same month, TWO weeks apart from each other. This wasn't coincidental. I mind is just blown. Am I that spiritually intune with the Universe to receive messages or omens from angels? Or am I buggin'?? My heart is hea

Dead Birds = Death?

Two days ago I saw two dead birds. It was around 7am and I was coming home from work. Two days later I found out a close family member died. When I passed the first bird I instantly felt sad because it was a hawk. Hawks to me represent strength and independence. To see it lying on the middle of i285 really caught me off guard. The second bird was a little song bird. It was laying on the ground right off my exit. As I passed this bird I felt fear. Fear that something was coming, but I didn't know what. Fast forward to today--12:11AM. I get a ominous text message from my sister that said "Call Me". I immediately felt sick to my stomach. I knew something was wrong and as I sit here and type this out; I am realizing that I was being warned by the universe this whole time. The dead birds were a sign. My cousin's death hasn't resonated with me but I am all too familiar with this role. It never feels like they are gone until you are sitting in the room with them and

Social Media Manage-NOT..

Coming back into the social media world I am noticing how watered-down everyone is. It's ANNOYING AS HELL. But before I dive into this rant-post, understand my background and try be as open-minded as possible. I've had Instagram for years (duh) but this year I decided to change my content. I went from promoting my girlfriend's photography to documenting and blogging my natural hair journey. Everything began April 2018 when I had a little over 530 followers. Fast forward to July 2018 and my follower count is 853. My following grew because I KEEPS IT 110%. *Disclaimer: this rant is not just about IG followers; I will get to the point in a minute :)  Going into this, my intentions were to track the growth/health of my SEVERELY heat-damaged hair, build and CONNECT with naturals all over the world (not just in Atlanta), and share my crazy-ass life experiences visually on Instagram and on my blog.  My intentions are STILL the same, however my views of social media dr