I want to say this “natural hair life” is new to me, but it’s not. I’ve been natural for eight years, but this year I learned to embrace it. After I turned 21, something inside of me clicked. I realized I was in charge of the way I live my life.. my was hair included. To this day, I will never understand how a thick, white funky chemical can make my kinky, but thick ass hair manageable. Anyways, I tend to trail-off so please forgive me. I became natural when I was 21. I didn’t immediately cut my permed ends like the internet encourages us “natural girls” to do because I wasn’t brave enough. I say that in the least offensive way possible, so please forgive me in advance again :) But honestly, my new growth was EXTREMELY short and I didn’t have the confidence to rock the TWA (Teeny Weeny Afro) look. My face is full and I didn’t and still don’t feel like a TWA would flatter my features. I kept my hair under as many wigs as possible to ignore the new kinks emerging...
The Diary of a Lazy Natural Feminist