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Showing posts from April, 2018

Natural Hair/Blogging Life.. the beginning

I want to say this “natural hair life” is new to me, but it’s not. I’ve been natural for eight years, but this year I learned to embrace it. After I turned 21, something inside of me clicked. I realized I was in charge of the way I live my life.. my was hair included.  To this day, I will never understand how a thick, white funky chemical can make my kinky, but thick ass hair manageable. Anyways, I tend to trail-off so please forgive me.  I became natural when I was 21. I didn’t immediately cut my permed ends like the internet encourages us “natural girls” to do because I wasn’t brave enough. I say that in the least offensive way possible, so please forgive me in advance again :) But honestly, my new growth was EXTREMELY short and I didn’t have the confidence to rock the TWA (Teeny Weeny Afro) look. My face is full and I didn’t and still don’t feel like a TWA would flatter my features.  I kept my hair under as many wigs as possible to ignore the new kinks emerging from my scalp

The Challenge

It is so hard protecting my energy in this place. After three years, one would think I would be immune to the constant negative energy by now, but I am not. The tension here is so strong; at times I feel like it is hard to breathe. It hasn’t been like this long, but I realized how blind I have been. The corporate world is a death trap, filled with mundane tasks and repetitive meetings. As I trail towards entrepreneurship, I gain pure disgust for this place. Disgust turns into negative energy and that negative energy attempts to alter my inner energy. I REFUSE to allow that to happen. My mantra includes forcing myself to ignore the energy in this place to maintain mine. Staying focused is key to keeping my energy. Every day I teach myself how to vibrate my frequency so that I can  stay under the radar. Everyday I get better, but it’s harder to channel my energy after a long weekend. For the first time, I felt the difference between the energy that I feel here and the energy I feel at h

Learning & Attempting to Grow With Chakras

T he devil is really working overtime during this retrograde. It's okay though. My energy is stronger than this. I always seem to get punished by the universe for being great. And I end up having to choose between one hard decision and another.  I told myself I would be honest when I share a new blog, so please forgive me if I randomly bounce from one thing to the next. This is my mind, my words, and my truth. Honestly, the main thing that keeps me sane is understanding how I feel and why I feel how I feel. That is when I began studying Chakras . If you don't know what Chakras are, simply put; they are the centers of energy that move inside of you. Nutshell of it all, these "energies" maintain your overall balance with the universe around you internally and externally. Now, I am not going to bore you with facts and definitions of what each chakra does. If you want to dive into them, by all means and please give me feedback on what you learn. Too many people t

Honest Chocolate Girl -- The First Blog

You ever wonder how life chooses you? Crazy thought, isn't it. But seriously, who  really  is in charge of this process. When I was younger I used to believe we were like the Sims (the EA Sports computer game) and someone from another planet was controlling our every move. The idea seemed logical at the time until I grew up. I will attempt complete honesty on this blog. Life experiences will be real of course, but just like millions of others, life for me hasn't always been the sweetest. I have many ugly, gruesome "What Not To Do" life stories to share.  Hell, even as I write this now I am pondering ways to maneuver through an unnecessary fuck-up that I caused! It's all good though. I take every day for what it is: just a day. My lifestyle won't allow me to sit down so staying on my toes lightly describes the way I live. I always get weird when I reference my life. I'm torn about sharing. Apart of me wants to bear all details in hopes to save another c